Fri Jul 26 1:15 am

MLB - Week 19 of 28

Blue Jays What If?

The Blue Jays What If table presents playoff probabilities depended upon how the Blue Jays play future games. These games include either the next game, games of the current series, or all remaining games. Other unplayed future games are assumed won/lost with a probability based upon relative team strengths.

Blue Jays What If?

Next Game - Rangers (51‑52)

  Resultant Record Divisional Winners Wildcard No Playoffs No POs
  W L 1*
First Round Bye
First Round Bye
First Round Home Field
First Round Home Field
5 6 7
Win Next Game 47 56 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 99%
Current Standings 46 56 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 99%
Lose Next Game 46 57 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% >99%

Current Series - Rangers (51‑52) - 3 Remaining Games

  Resultant Record Divisional Winners Wildcard No Playoffs No POs
  W L 1*
First Round Bye
First Round Bye
First Round Home Field
First Round Home Field
5 6 7
Blue Jays Sweeps 49 56 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 99%
Current Standings 46 56 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 99%
Rangers Sweeps 46 59 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% >99%

Remaining Games

Remaining Games
Winning Percentage of
Remaining Games
Resultant Record Divisional Winners Wildcard No Playoffs No POs
W L 1*
First Round Bye
First Round Bye
First Round Home Field
First Round Home Field
5 6 7
60 of 60 100% 106 56 99% 1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1%
56 of 60 93% 102 60 93% 6% <1% 1% <1% <1% <1%
55 of 60 92% 101 61 89% 8% <1% 2% <1% <1% <1%
54 of 60 90% 100 62 82% 13% <1% 5% <1% <1% <1%
53 of 60 88% 99 63 74% 17% <1% 9% <1% <1% <1%
52 of 60 87% 98 64 63% 22% <1% 14% 1% <1% <1%
51 of 60 85% 97 65 51% 26% <1% 22% 1% <1% <1%
50 of 60 83% 96 66 37% 28% <1% 31% 3% <1% <1%
49 of 60 82% 95 67 24% 30% <1% 39% 7% <1% <1%
48 of 60 80% 94 68 15% 28% 1% 44% 13% <1% <1%
47 of 60 78% 93 69 8% 23% 1% 44% 21% 2% <1%
46 of 60 77% 92 70 3% 17% 1% 41% 32% 5% <1%
45 of 60 75% 91 71 1% 10% 1% 34% 41% 12% 1%
44 of 60 73% 90 72 <1% 7% 1% 23% 44% 21% 4%
43 of 60 72% 89 73 <1% 3% 1% 13% 41% 33% 10%
42 of 60 70% 88 74 <1% 1% 1% 6% 31% 40% 21%
41 of 60 68% 87 75 <1% <1% <1% 2% 18% 40% 39%
40 of 60 67% 86 76 <1% <1% <1% 1% 9% 33% 57%
39 of 60 65% 85 77 <1% <1% <1% <1% 3% 20% 77%
38 of 60 63% 84 78 <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 9% 90%
30 of 60 50% 76 86 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% >99%
20 of 60 33% 66 96 X X <1% X <1% <1% >99%
10 of 60 17% 56 106 X X X X X X 100%
0 of 60 0% 46 116 X X X X X X 100%
  • Notes
  • ^ means the team will finish better than this playoff spot
  • X means the team cannot win this playoff spot
  • 50% - probability the team will win this playoff spot - green number indicates the team controls its destiny for this spot
  • 50% - probability the team will win this playoff spot - red number indicates the team does not control its destiny for this spot
  • Table Sorting Method
  • *  denotes first round bye in the playoffs
  • **  denotes first round home field advantage in the playoffs